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Account and Connectors Authentication

Your users will be required to provide authentication information before Cycles can be run.

Cyclr supports three types of connector authentication:


Your user will provide an API Key from the third party application that gives access to the third party API

HTTP Basic

Your user will provide a username and password to access the third Party API


Your user will be taken through an OAuth flow which will generate a token that can be used to access the third party API

For each connector requiring authentication, take your user through the appropriate flow.

Setting up an Account Connector through Cyclr’s API can be involved, depending on the authentication the Connector use and any additional properties that must be set.

Installing and authenticating the Connector within an Account through Cyclr’s interface, noting the options that are displayed and how each effects the actual values stored on the Account Connector itself is a good way to understand the process.

You can retrieve the current state of an Account Connector using this Cyclr API endpoint:

GET /v1.0/account/connectors/{id}

Checking the required Authentication Type

To check the authentication type that the installed Account Connector requires, make the following call:


    GET /v1.0/account/connectors/{id}
    Authorization Bearer 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    X-Cyclr-Account: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


        "Id": 0,
        "Name": "Pipedrive",
        "Description": null,
        "AuthValue": null,
        "Authenticated": false,
        "Connector": {
            "Id": 0,
            "Name": "Pipedrive",
            "Description": "Sales CRM for small teams with big ambitions.",
            "Status": "Approved",
            "Version": "1.0",
            "Icon": null,
            "AuthDescription": null,
            "AuthType": "ApiKey",
            "OAuth2Type": "Unknown",
            "AuthScheme": null
        "IsPartnerIntegrationConnector": false,
        "Properties": [],
        "CustomFields": []

In this example, the AuthType for this Account Connector is ApiKey.

The response also confirms that the Account Connector is not yet authenticated (“Authenticated”: false).

Account Connector Properties

Before beginning the authentication process, you should set the values of any Parameters on the Account Connector that aren’t marked as Optional.

To identify what these Parameters are, look in the Connector section you receive when making the Cyclr API call above for Parameters with IsAccountConnectorProperty:true and IsOptional:false.

You could provide some interface of your own to obtain the values for these Parameters from the user.

Call the POST /v1.0/account/connectors/{accountConnectorId}/properties endpoint to set each of those values on your Account Connector.

The Account Connector should now be ready to authenticate.

API Key Authentication
HTTP Basic Authentication
OAuth Authentication

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