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Step setup Map fields

Field Mappings are passed to the third party API as the request body.

For each missing field mapping returned in the Step prerequisites:


    GET /v1.0/steps/{Step ID}/fieldmappings/{Field ID}
    Authorization Bearer 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    X-Cyclr-Account: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


        "Field": {
            "Id": 283792,
            "Name": "Email",
            "Description": null,
            "IsOptional": false,
            "DataType": "Undefined",
            "TriggerName": null,
            "Values": [],
            "DisplayOrder": 1,
            "Triggers": []
        "MappingType": "Ignore",
        "SourceFieldId": null,
        "SourceStepId": null,
        "TriggerValue": null,
        "TriggerValueDisplayName": null,
        "Value": null

The IsOptional property indicates if a field mapping is optional or required before the Cycle can run.

There are multiple ways of setting a Field Mapping value.

Static Value Field Mapping
Field Mapping with Step Data
Value List Mapping

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