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Velocify uses basic authentication so all you need to do is to provide a valid username/password combination for your account.

Create Leads in Velocify

To create leads using the Velocify connector, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Find and run the List Fields method to get an XML object containing all the fields that you can use.

  2. Note the details of the fields you want to use in the Create Lead method.

  3. In connector testing, add the fields you want to use to the connector in the following format: soapenv:Envelope.Field_ID_{FieldId}. For example, if the First Name field has an ID of 1 then the Field Location you need is soapenv:Envelope.Field_ID_1 and you can set the Display Name to First Name.

  4. Repeat step 3 for every field you want to access, and then you can create fields.

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