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The Bitrix24 connector uses Bitrix24's Inbound Webhooks feature to make API requests.

Create inbound webhook

Cyclr requires a webhook ID to install the Bitrix24 connector. From the Bitrix24 dashboard:

  1. Select Applications > Developer resources in the left hand menu.

  2. Select Other.

  3. Select Inbound webhook.

  4. Get the webhook ID.

  5. Assign permissions.

  6. Select Save.

Get webhook ID

In the Webhook to call REST API field, make a note of the webhook ID. The webhook ID is the random 16 character alphanumeric string that makes up part of the URL. For example, if the URL is, then the webhook ID is j2zdj8r9h0fdgsb3.

Assign permissions

Cyclr requires the following permissions for the Bitrix24 connector to function correctly:

  • CRM (crm)

  • Users (user)

Under the Assign permissions heading, to add each permission:

  1. Select + select.

  2. Enter the required permission.

  3. Select the required permission from the list.

## Cyclr setup

Account setup

Cyclr asks you for the below values when you install the Bitrix24 connector within an account:




The URL of your Bitrix24 instance. For example,

Webhook ID

The webhook ID of your Bitrix24 Inbound Webhook.

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