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You need the following information to setup the BlueDolphin connector in Cyclr:

  • The API Key and Tenant

    HeaderDescriptionAPI keyAPI Key request headerTenantHeader that contains the name of the tenant you need to access

Getting the API key and Tenant

You need an API key and tenant to install the BlueDolphin connector in Cyclr.

You can find BlueDolphin's guide on how to get an API key here under the Create a new API key and make an authenticated request section.

Cyclr Console setup

To set up your BlueDolphin connector within your Cyclr console:

  1. Go to your Cyclr Console.

  2. Select Connectors > Application Connector Library at the top of the page.

  3. Use the search box to find the BlueDolphin connector.

  4. Select the Setup Required icon.

  5. Select Save Changes.

Account set up

You will be asked for the following values when installing the BlueDolphin connector within an account:

  • API Key: The API key of your BlueDolphin account.

  • Tenant: The Tenant of your BlueDolphin account.

Your BlueDolphin connector is now set up! You can test it by executing one of the methods to confirm it returns data.

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