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ApiKey Setup:

In order to access the API, you will need an 'API Key' configured, please email to request more information and obtain an API Key. You will need to sign an agreement.

How to find your Store Id

  • Log in to your ClubReady account.

  • Click on your profile image on the top right.

  • Per the image below 8383 is your store id (55401995 is your user id, you won't need this part)

Connector Setup

The Connector can be installed using the credentials obtained in the above steps:

API Key: your_api_key

Store ID: your_store_id

Chain ID: your_chain_key

API terms

A list of some of the basic terms used within the ClubReady API.

  • Chain/Corp - A corporate entity that typically will have more than one Store/Club in ClubReady.

  • Store - a single Location (club) within the ClubReady system.

  • Prospect/Lead - a User in the ClubReady system that is not yet buying services (customer) or does not yet have a membership (member).

  • Service - a one-on-one activity between a staff person (Trainer/coach) and a customer, typically referred to as Personal Training.

  • Class - any activity between a staff person (Trainer/coach) and more than one customer. Small Group, and Group-X.

  • Staff Types - a "role" that Staff members are assigned to through the administrative interface in ClubReady in which you can assign permissions.

  • Prospect Type - a way to categorize Leads in ClubReady. Based on a ProspectTypeId, a Lead can be pushed through automated work flows for marketing and sales actions/tasks.

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