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To authenticate the DoorDash connector, you will need to do the following:

  1. Create, or already have access to, a DoorDash developer account.

  2. Create an access key.

  3. Use the access key information to authenticate the DoorDash connector.

Create a DoorDash account and access key

DoorDash's guide on how to create an account and an access key can be found here.

Once the access key has been created, save that information to enter into the connector set-up.

Authenticate the connector

You can now navigate to the set-up of your installed DoorDash connector to enter the access key details. This is done in two steps:

  1. Enter your Key ID and Signing Secret from the created access key.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Enter your Developer ID.

  4. Click Next.

Your DoorDash connector is now set up! You can test it by installing it to one of your Cyclr accounts and using one of the methods to confirm it returns data.

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