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This guide explains how to obtain authentication details from dotdigita,l as well as installing a dotdigital Connector.

Setup & Authentication


Your customer must obtain authentication details from their dotdigital account so they can be provided when installing the Connector.

Remote Setup in dotdigital - performed by your customer

Your customer creates an API user within their dotdigital account which is used by Cyclr to access their data.

A unique email address is automatically created which is the user’s Username, and they also create a password.

Identifying the Account Region

Within dotdigital, your customer’s “API endpoint” will be shown to them in a blue box:

Using the API endpoint, the Account Region to select when installing the Connector can be identified:

API endpoint

Account Region




North America


Asia Pacific

Cyclr Connector Installation

When installing the dotdigital Connector, the following values are required:

  • Username

  • Password

  • Account Region

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