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Partner Setup

Retrieving client ID and secret

  • Login and navigate to the app builder.

  • Create a new app, give it an appropriate name. Select Clinicians or Administrative Users as the Application Audience.

  • Note the client ID down if you would like to use the connector in a production environment, or note the non-production client ID if you would like to use the sandbox.

  • The following table shows the required incoming APIs required for each method:


Incoming API

Get Patient

Patient.Read (R4)

Search Patients

Patient.Search (R4)

  • Enter your redirect URL: https://{{ServiceDomain}}/connector/callback

  • Make sure Should Epic require refresh tokens when authenticating? is ticked.

  • Generate a secret, note it down, and then store the hash.

  • Select R4 for the FHIR Version.

  • Accept the terms and mark the app as ready for production if you are using the connector in a production environment. Otherwise, mark the app as ready for sandbox.

Cyclr Setup

Setup your Epic App within Cyclr:

  • Go to your Cyclr Console

  • Click the Connectors menu along the top

  • Choose Connector Library

  • Scroll down to Epic

  • Click the Setup button

Enter the following values:

Endpoint: The organization API endpoint you would like to query. A list of R4 endpoints can be found here. Please remove the "api/FHIR/R4" substring from the end of the URL. To use the sandbox version, please enter "".

Client ID: Retrieve from the above steps.

Client Secret: Also retrieved from the steps above.

Your Epic Connector is now setup! You can test it by installing it in one of your Cyclr accounts and executing one of the methods to confirm it can return some data.

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