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To setup the connector you will need a Partner Name and Request Token, both of which should be provided by Insider.

  1. Locate the Insider connector in the Cyclr console.

    Cyclr Console > Connectors > Connector Library > Insider

  2. Click the open padlock and on the next page enter the Partner Name and API Key (your Insider Request Token).

The connector is now authenticated and ready to use.

Unifier field (required)

In order to send data to Insider, you need to define a Unifier Field:

  1. Go to https://{AccountName}

  2. Select Create New CRM Attribute.

  3. Set the Data Type.

  4. When you set the Attribute Name for the Unifier Field, choose one of the default Unifier Field names (email, phone_number), or use a custom name of your choice.

  5. Make sure this has been selected as the Unifier

The Unifier field is references as Identifier Type in the Cyclr methods, as a required field.

Send Custom Data (Optional)

In order for Insider to accept your custom attribute fields they must first be defined in the InOne console.

  1. Go to https://{AccountName}

  2. Select Create New CRM Attribute.

  3. Set the Data Type and Attribute Name for your custom attribute.

From the Edit Connector page within the Cyclr console:

  1. Select the method you want to add custom fields to.

  2. Select the + sign to bring up the Add Method Field form:

  3. For a custom user attribute, set the Field Location to [users].attributes.custom.**AttributeName**. For example, [users].attributes.custom.hair_color).

    Note: The Attribute Name must be exactly as defined in the InOne console. Eg. case sensitive etc.

  4. For a custom event parameter, set the Field Location to [users].[events].event_params.custom.**EventParameterName** For example, [users].[events].event_params.custom.payment_type.

    Note: The Event Parameter Name does not need to be defined in the InOne console.

  5. Enter a Display Name, Description and Data Type

    Note: To integrate properly with the Insider API, the Data Type as set in this drop-down can only be Text, Integer, Boolean or DateTime.

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