Mindful Datastore
To set up the Mindful Datastore connector to use in Cyclr, you need to get your API key. If you need more information, contact the Mindful support team.
Cyclr setup
To set up the Mindful Datastore connector in Cyclr:
Go to your Cyclr Console.
Select Connectors > Application Connector Library at the top of the page.
Use the search box to find the Mindful Datastore connector.
Select the Setup Required icon.
Enter the your API Key.
Select Save Changes.
Custom fields
The Upsert Data Set method allows you to send a data_values
object with the request. This object can contain any number of key and value pairs. To send a key and value pair:
Go to the Edit Connector page for the Mindful Dataset connector.
Under the Methods & Fields heading, find and select the Upsert Data Set method.
Next to the Request Fields heading, select the red plus button.
In the Field Location box, enter
data_values.{required key name}
. For example,data_values.key1
.Enter a suitable Display Name for the field.
Provide a Description for the field if you want to.
Set the Date Type for the field to Text.
Select Create.
The makes the field available in steps that use the Upsert Data Set method. The value you assign to the field is stored and sent in the data_values
object against the specified key name. You can repeat this process for any key and value pair you want to add to the data_values
Custom objects
The Get Data Set method uses Cyclr custom objects to map possible dataset fields dynamically based on the specified customer contact number.
Set up a custom object
When you set up a custom object it creates a new method category with the parameters you enter. To set up a custom object:
Go to the Mindful Datastore connector Settings page.
Under the Methods and Fields heading, expand the Data Sets category.
Select the red Copy this Category to create a Custom Object Category icon.
Enter the required customer contact number into Specify object name.
Select Copy.
This creates a new custom object category with the specified contact number. You can now run Get Data Set from this category with all dataset fields mapped automatically.