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NeverBounce setup

To authenticate your connector, you need to get an API key for the NeverBounce account. To do this:

  1. Log into NeverBounce.

  2. Go to Apps in the top right menu bar.

  3. Select Create New App.

  4. Give the application a relevant name, and select Custom Integration.

  5. Select Create App.

  6. Open the new app and select Your API Key.

  7. Copy the API key so that you can use it to authenticate with Cyclr.

Cyclr setup

To set up the NeverBounce connector in Cyclr, go to your Cyclr console:

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Use the search box to find the NeverBounce connector.

  3. Select the Setup Required icon.

  4. Enter the API key you created to log in your NeverBounce account.

  5. Select Save Changes.

Note: If you leave any values blank, Cyclr asks for the value when you install the connector into an account. This means you can use different settings for different accounts.

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