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Nice CXone


This guide takes you through setting up NICE CXone for use with Cyclr, as well as installing the Connector.

Setup & Authentication

Remote Setup

To use the Nice CXone Connector, you need to register a CXone Application. You can find NICE CXone's guide here.

Get an Access Key ID and Access Key Secret

To authenticate the Nice CXone Connector, you need to:

  • Register an Application to receive a Client ID and Client Secret.

  • Get an Access Key ID and Access Key Secret.

Obtain an Access Key ID and Access Key Secret by following these steps:

  1. Select Profile in the right corner of the CXone top navigation bar.

  2. Select My Profile from the drop-down.

  3. Select Access Keys.

  4. Select Add Access Key.

You can only view the Secret Access Key while you are in the My Profile window.
Once you exit the window, you will no longer be able to view it.

If you have any trouble obtaining an Access Key ID and Access Key Secret, follow this guide or contact your NICE CXone account manager.

Cyclr Partner Console Setup

To set up the Nice CXone Connector in Cyclr, go to your Cyclr Console:

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Use the search box to find the Nice CXone entry.

  3. Select the Padlock button.

  4. Enter the below values:



Client ID

The Client ID of your NICE CXone Application.

Client Secret

The Client Secret of your NICE CXone Application.

  1. Select Save Changes.

If you leave these values blank, they must be provided each time the Connector is installed.

Cyclr Connector Installation

When installing the Nice CXone Connector, enter the following values:



Access Key ID

The Access Key ID of your registered account.

Access Key Secret

The Access Key Secret of your registered account.

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