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To authenticate the OpenCRM connector you will need an API Key, Pass Key and your OpenCRM account name.

API Key and Pass Key

These credentials should be issued by OpenCRM's support team or your OpenCRM account manager. Please contact for more information.

OpenCRM Account

This is your account name as it appears in the url when logged into OpenCRM. For instance if the url is your account name for the API purposes would be mycompany.

Connector Setup

  1. Locate the OpenCRM connector

    Cyclr Console > Connectors > Connector Library > OpenCRM

  2. From the Edit Connector interface click 'Setup'

  3. Enter your Pass Key and OpenCRM account name, click 'Next'

  4. Enter your API Key, click 'Next'

The connector is now authenticated and ready to use.

Add custom fields

Your records may contain custom fields which aren't mapped for each method's request or response fields. You can find the API field names for custom fields in your custom field settings within OpenCRM. An example of a custom field API field name is cf_123.

To add mappings for a custom field, you can follow the steps in the Cyclr documentation on how to [Add custom fields](adding-custom-fields/

To add a custom field, you need to provide the API field name for the Field Location of the custom field.

The format varies slightly depending on whether the field is for a singular or plural method, such as Get Contact or List Contacts.

Method Name

Response/Request Field

Field Location


Upsert Contact




Get Contact




List Contacts




List New Contacts




List Updated Contacts




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