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Partner Setup

PingOne uses OAuth 2 Client Credentials for remote API access. You must register a worker application within PingOne to receive OAuth Client ID and Client Secret values to enable Cyclr to authenticate with PingOne.

The official documentation for creating an application can be found here.

PingOne Setup – Register Your Application

Use the PingOne admin portal to configure your oAuth application. To create the application connection select the environment that you wish to connect to and then:

  1. Click Connections.

  2. Click + Add Application.

  3. Select the Worker application type.

  4. Click Configure.

  5. Create the application profile by entering the following information:

  6. Application name. A unique identifier for the application.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Expand the application you have just created and click on the edit icon

  9. Select Configuration tab

  10. Ensure Grant Type is set to "Client Credentials"


  12. Save the following information:

Cyclr Setup

Setup your PingOne connector within Cyclr:

  • Go to your Cyclr Console

  • Click the Connectors menu along the top

  • Choose Connector Library

  • Scroll down to PingOne

  • Click the Setup button

Enter the following values:

Client ID:  Client ID of the PingOne App

Client Secret: Secret of the PingOne App

Auth Domain: e.g. "", or "", or ""

Environment ID: UID for the environment you wish to connect to

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