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This guide explains how to obtain authentication details from Prey, as well as installing the Prey Connector.

Setup & Authentication

Remote Setup in Prey - performed by your customer

Obtaining an API Key

In order to obtain an API Key to authenticate a Prey Connector, your customer will need to:

  1. Log in to their “Control Panel” on the Prey website.

  2. Go to “Settings” then “Developer API”.

  3. In the “API Key Generator”, select either read or write permissions, and optionally enter a name and expiry date for the key.

  4. Select “Generate”.

  5. The new API Key will be shown, which can then be used to authenticate in Cyclr.


Generating an API Key in Prey

Cyclr Connector Installation

When installing a Prey Connector, Cyclr will prompt for the following value:





The API Key generated within the Prey account to be accessed.

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