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Retain Me setup

To authenticate the RetainMe connector, you need multiple authentication details for the different RetainMe APIs. Dependant on the API you want to use, you need the following details:

  • DC API Username and Password

  • Orders API Username and Password

  • SMART Returns API Username and Password

Cyclr setup

To set up the RetainMe connector in Cyclr, go to your Cyclr Console.

  1. Select Connectors > Application Connector Library at the top of the page.

  2. Use the search box to find the RetainMe connector.

  3. Select the Setup icon.

  4. Enter your Username and Password for each API you want to use in the connector.

  5. Select Save Changes.

Each API has a category of methods within the connector, and these require their corresponding username and password to be entered in the connector set-up page. Each set of credentials are optional if you are not using the corresponding API in the connector.

Note: If you leave any values blank, Cyclr asks for the value when you install the connector into an account. This means you can use different settings for different accounts.

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