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You will need the following to authenticate the SaaShr connector in an account:

  1. The username for your SaaShr account.

  2. The password for your SaaShr account. For the first time setup, this will be set as your account password.

  3. The short company name for your SaaShr account.

  4. The URL of your SaaShr installation. For example, if you access SaaShr using then enter

  5. The API key of your SaaShr account.

If you do not have any of this information, please contact your SaaShr account manager.

First time setup

When installing the SaaShr connector for the first time you need to enter an additional setup password. This will be provided by SaaShr as an auto-generated password that will be changed to the password value on first installation. Further authentications of the same SaaShr account will then only require the password that was entered on the first installation to be provided.

Cyclr setup

Account setup

You will be asked for the following values when installing the SaaShr connector within an account:



Base URL

The URL of your SaaShr installation. For example, if you access SaaShr using then enter

Company Name

The short company name for your SaaShr account. All methods will make calls using this company name.


The username for your SaaShr account.


The password for your SaaShr account. For the first time setup, this will be set as your account password for subsequent installations.

Setup Password

Only required if this is your first time integrating with the API. This is an auto-generated password provided by SaaShr.


The API key of your SaaShr account.

Map custom fields

For methods that accept key and value pairs in an array, you might need to map custom fields. Some methods that require custom fields are Update Cost Center and Update Employee Pay Information. You can map these fields through the Cyclr console:

  1. Go to the Edit Connector page for the SaaShr connector.

  2. Under the Methods & Fields heading, find the method you want to map custom fields on.

  3. Next to the Request Fields heading, select the red plus button.

  4. In the Field Location box, enter the required custom field name and the field's index (as an integer) that you want to create in the format {FieldName}.{FieldIndex}. For example: gl_codes.123.

  5. Enter a suitable Display Name for this field.

  6. Optional: Provide a Description for this field.

  7. Set the Date Type to Text for the field.

  8. Select Create.

When you map a custom field for a method, the field is available in any steps that use the method. The value assigned to the field is stored in the custom field's array with the specified index. You can repeat the process for any key and value pair you want to add to the custom field's array.

Available fields

  • The Update Cost Center method allows this mapping for the following fields: gl_codes, custom_fields and contacts.

  • The Update Employee Pay Information only allows this mapping for gl_codes.

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