Authentication Credentials
To authenticate the ServiceMonster connector you will need a username and password. Please note, these are not the same as your ServiceMonster login credentials.
To obtain a username and password for use with the API/connector:
Login to ServiceMonster at (You will need to use an administrator account)
Navigate to the Company tab and click on "Api Keys" in the Navigator menu on the left side
Click "New" at the bottom of the list of existing API Keys
Select a role, usually Admin and supply a note (optional), click "Submit"
A set of API Credentials will appear. Make sure you save the password, as it will not be retrievable if you lose it
Authenticate the Connector
Locate the Service Monster connector
Cyclr Console > Connectors > Connector Library > ServiceMonster
From the Edit Connector interface click 'Setup'
Enter your Username and Password, click 'Next'
The connector is now authenticated and ready to use.