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You can install Squareup with either OAuth or Access Token authentication. When installed, select the authentication method to use.

OAuth Authentication

You can use OAuth to authenticate both the sandbox and production versions of the Squareup environment.

You need an application created with the Squareup Developer Dashboard.To authenticate your connector, use the application ID and OAuth secret generated on Squareup.

In the Developer Dashboard:

  1. Get your application credentials and set the redirect URL.

  2. Select Open for an application. If you don't have an application set up, create one.

  3. At the top of the page, set the dashboard mode to Production.

  4. In the left navigation pane, select OAuth.

  5. In the Application ID box, copy and save the application ID.

  6. In the Application Secret box, copy and save the application secret.

  7. In the Redirect URL box, enter the URL https://{Your Cyclr service domain}/connector/callback e.g.

  8. Select Save.

To verify you installed your application, navigate to Settings > App integrations in the Seller Dashboard.

Access Token Authentication

You can use access tokens to authenticate both the sandbox and production versions of the Squareup environment.

To obtain the access tokens, go to the applications page in Squareup.

  1. Select the plus icon for a new application, or select Open on an existing application which you want to connect to Cyclr.

  • To connect to the production environment, select Production at the top of the page and copy the Production Access Token seen on the page.

  • To connect to the sandbox environment for staging, select Sandbox at the top of the page and copy the Sandbox Access Token.

  1. Paste your token into the API Key field on the Connector Setup page.

Cyclr setup

To set up your Squareup (OAuth) connector within your Cyclr console:

  1. Go to your Cyclr Console.

  2. Select Connectors > Application Connector Library at the top of the page.

  3. Use the search box to find the Squareup (OAuth) connector.

  4. Select the Setup Required icon.

  5. Enter the below values:

  • Client ID: The client ID of your Squareup account.

  • Client Secret: The client secret of your Squareup account.

  1. Select Save Changes.

Note: To use different settings for this connector on each account, leave these fields blank. This means Cyclr asks for these values when you install the connector into an account.

Authentication errors

If you see a "Not Authorized" message when you authenticate a Squareup connector, make sure you're using the correct details:

  • Sandbox or Production Access tokens found under "Credentials" in Squareup work with API Key authentication.

  • Sandbox or Production Application secrets found under "OAuth" in Squareup work with OAuth authentication.

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