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To connect with Cyclr, you need an API Key from your Sticky account. If you need help to obtain the private API Key, contact someone at Sticky.

Account setup

Cyclr asks you for the Private API Key of your client's Sticky account when you install the Sticky connector into their account in the Cyclr console.

Note: You can use different details for different accounts.

Webhook setup

Sticky webhooks utilize a single webhook URL. To use the webhooks, you need Sticky to configure your Sticky application. This means you need to provide Sticky with the URL to send webhook events to.

To find the webhook URL, go to your Cyclr console:

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Search for the Sticky connector and select the Authentication Setup padlock icon.

  3. Copy the Webhook URL and send this to Sticky.

Warning: Do not use the Webhook URL that the Webhook step displays. Use the URL on the Sticky connector's Authentication Setup page.

Add webhooks to your cycle or template

If you Sticky account has the correct webhook URL, you can add webhooks through the template builder:

  1. Drag the Webhook step from the sidebar into the builder.

  2. Connect the Webhook to another step.

  3. Select Run to start the cycle.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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