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Teamleader setup

To connect with Cyclr, you need the following authentication values from your Teamleader account:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Username

  • Password

If you don't have a Teamleader account, you can sign up for one on the Teamleader page.

To find the Client ID and Client Secret of your account, go to the Teamleader marketplace management page.

For more information, see the Teamleader documentation on authentication.

Cyclr setup

To set up the Teamleader connector in Cyclr, go to your Cyclr console:

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Use the search box to find the Teamleader connector.

  3. Select the Setup Required icon.

  4. Enter the below values:

    ValueDescriptionClient IDThe Client ID of your application.Client SecretThe Client Secret of your application.UsernameThe username of the authorized user.PasswordThe password of the authorized user.

  5. Select Save Changes.

Note: You can use different details for different accounts.

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