Creating An App
Follow the steps outlined in this guide to create an application in the Trustpilot console.
The redirect URI should be https://{service domain}/connector/callback. Your service domain can be found in your Cyclr console under Settings > General Settings > Service Domain.
In your Cyclr console, go to 'My Connectors' from the top right drop down menu.
From your connector list 'Edit connector' for Trustpilot.
From the Edit Connector page click 'Setup' where you will be prompted to enter the following details:
NameDescriptionClient IDYour Trustpilot applications 'API Key'Client SecretYour Trustpilot applications 'Secret'UsernameYour Trustpilot UsernamePasswordYour Trustpilot Password
Click 'Next'.
The connector is now authenticated and ready to use.
You need a Business Unit ID for most requests with the Trustpilot connector. Without the Business Unit ID, Trustpilot sends a 403 - Forbidden
response. You can find the Business Unit ID with the Search For Business Units method, or use the Search For Business Units method as the first step in your cycles.
Note: Some endpoints are classified as Private by Trustpilot. This means that the logged in user needs permissions to access that Business Unit ID's data. If the logged in user doesn't have those permissions, the response is
403 - Forbidden