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Cyclr set up

Cyclr asks you for the below values when you install a Twilio connector into an account:




The Username of the Twilio account.


The Password of the Twilio account.

Note: You can use different details for different accounts.

Creating a Helpdesk using Twilio, Slack and Cyclr Example

This guide shows you how to create your very own helpdesk that lets your agents view and respond to chats within Slack.

This guide will show you:

  • How to create new channels in Slack

  • How to connect Twilio chat and Slack

  • How to build and test automation workflows in Cyclr

  • How to match chat windows with Slack channels

  • How to archive Slack channels for closed chats

  • How to create a Google Sheets driven dashboard

Automatic Channel Creation

In part 1 of this guide, we show you how to create an automation workflow in Cyclr that automatically creates a new Slack channel when a Twilio chat is initiated.

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Message Syncing

In the second of our helpdesk creation tutorial shows you how to sync messages between your Twilio chat room and newly created Slack channel.

This part of the guide shows you how to create a workflow to connect messages between your user and agent chat rooms, showing you how to:

  • Map fields

  • Using decision logic steps

  • Run and test your Cycle


<iframe width="500" height="281" src=" " frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Archiving Ended Chats

Once a user has finished their chat session in the Twilio Chat client you don’t want your helpdesk agents to be swamped in old Slack chat windows. To do this, we create a new workflow automation that automatically archives Slack channels when a chat has been ended by the user.

<iframe width="500" height="281" src=" " frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Google Sheets Powered User Agent Dashboard

Now you have your bi-directional chat helpdesk set up we want to add reporting functionality to it.

To do this, we create a Google Sheets powered dashboard. The dashboard will show you how many active chats you have in session and user agents you have available. More importantly, it will show you how to connect your Google Sheet to your helpdesk so you can extend its functionality further.


<iframe width="500" height="281" src=" " frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

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