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Verint Workforce Management - Agent Performance


This guide explains how to install a Verint Workforce Management - Agent Performance Connector.

Setup & Authentication

Partner Setup in Cyclr Console

Go into your Cyclr Partner Console:

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Use the search box to locate the Verint Workforce Management - Agent Performance Connector.

  3. Select the Pencil button.

  4. Select the Settings tab.

  5. Enter the below values:



Client ID

The Application ID that was assigned to your app.

Client Secret

The client secret generated for your app.


The domain to be accessed.

  1. Select Save Changes.

If you leave these values blank, they must be provided each time the Connector is installed.

Cyclr Connector Installation

When installing the Verint Workforce Management - Agent Performance Connector, the following values are used:



Client ID

The Application ID that was assigned to your app.

Client Secret

The client secret generated for your app.


The domain to be accessed.

Azure Tenant

The directory tenant the application should operate against. It can be supplied in either GUID or domain-name format.


The environment to target.

Data Source

The data source to target.

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