Partner Setup
Retrieving public and private key
Navigate to the development area of Wix.
Create a new app if you have not already done so.
Click OAuth on the menu on the left side of the page.
Enter your Redirect URL (https://
Your Service Domain
/connector/callback ).Note down your App ID and App Secret Key.
Navigate to the Permissions area on the menu on the left side of the page.
Add the appropriate permissions needed for the integration. At the moment the only permission needed is Wix Stores > Read Orders. More information can be found here: https://devforum.wix.com/en/article/available-permissions
Add at least one component by navigating to Components on the left panel.
On the top right corner, click Add Component and choose Dasboard Component.
Set the desired Page URL and choose Your platform or site from the options below.
Cyclr Setup
Setup your Wix App within Cyclr:
Go to your Cyclr Console
Click the Connectors menu along the top
Choose Connector Library
Scroll down to Wix
Click the Setup button
Enter the following values:
Client ID: Retrieve from the above steps.
Client Secret: Also retrieved from the above steps.
Your Wix Connector is now setup! You can test it by installing it in one of your Cyclr accounts and executing one of the methods to confirm it can return some data.