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The following are the steps needed to authorize this connector to access Document360 projects:

Document360 Console

  1. Go to Document360 to either login or create a new account if you don't already have one. You will be directed to the portal dashboard where your projects are displayed.

  2. Select a pre-existing project if applicable or create a new one by clicking 'New project' in the top right corner of the page.

  3. The API Key can now be accessed. Click the Settings 'cog' icon on the bottom left and then 'API Tokens' from the left hand menu. If a token doesn't already exist, generate one by entering a name and selecting all four 'Allowed Methods': GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

Cyclr Console

  1. Go to 'My Connectors' from the top right drop down menu.

  2. From your connector list 'Edit connector' for Document360

  3. From the Edit Connector page click 'Setup'. Enter the API Key and click 'Next'.

The connector is now authenticated and ready to use.

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