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To use Cyclr to connect with the DocuSign API, you need to create an Application in the DocuSign account, as detailed below:

Note: A partner only has to create the application once. The client/customer doesn't need their own separate application within DocuSign.

  1. Login to your DocuSign Portal.

  2. Go to Settings > Integrations > Apps and Keys.

  3. Select the ADD APP AND INTEGRATION KEY button.

  4. Enter a name for your app.

  5. Select Authorization Code Grant.

  6. Add a secret key and copy this for later.

  7. Add a Redirect URI, for example: {% raw %}https://{{YourCyclrServiceDomain}}/connector/callback{% endraw %}.

  8. Enter a link to your privacy policy.

  9. Save the application.

You need the integration key to set up the connector in Cyclr.

Cyclr setup

To set up the DocuSign connector in Cyclr, go to your Cyclr console:

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Use the search box to find the connector.

  3. Select the Setup Required icon.

  4. Enter the below values:

    ValueDescriptionClient IDThe DocuSign Integration Key.Client SecretThe DocuSign Secret Key.Callback URLCyclr fills this field by default.ScopesOptional: You can leave this blank or you can reduce the scopes depending on the methods you require for interactions. This field is a space-separated list. Full list of scopes are here.

  5. Select Save Changes.

Note: If you leave any values blank, Cyclr asks for the value when you install the connector into an account. This means you can use different settings for different accounts.

Account setup

Account setup

Additional to any values you leave blank when you set up the connector, Cyclr also asks for the Domain when you install the connector into an account. You can select the correct domain with the dropdown:

  • The Sandbox Domain is

  • The Production Domain is

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