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Engagement Multiplier

Authentication Credentials

The Engagement Multiplier connector is authenticated with OAuth2.0, as a result you will need a Client ID and Client Secret:

  1. Login to your Engagement Multiplier Developer account here

  2. Go to Integrations > API Clients from the dashboard menu

  3. If you have a client enabled you will see your Client ID, Name and Secret. If not, Create New Client

  4. Enter your application's Name and for Redirect URL enter https://{service domain}/connector/callback

    Replace {service domain} with your service domain. That can be located in your Cyclr console under Settings > General Settings > Service Domain

Authenticate The Connector

  1. Locate the Engagement Multiplier connector

    Cyclr Console > Connectors > Connector Library > Engagement Multiplier

  2. From the Edit Connector interface click 'Setup'

  3. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret from your Engagement Multiplier Developer account created above, click Next

  4. Click Sign In

  5. A popup will prompt you to login to your Engagement Multiplier account

  6. You must login with your Engagement Multiplier User account credentials

  7. You will recieve the following prompt to allow or deny access to your account, click Authorize

Upon successful authorization you will be redirected to Cyclr. The connector is now authenticated and ready to use.

Note: If you are unable to locate your Company ID, you can use the method 'Get Authenticated User'. It will retrieve among other things, the Company ID for the currently authenticated user.

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