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To use the GitHub connector you will need to set up an app within GitHub, to obtain a Client ID and Client Secret.

## Setting up your GitHub app

  1. Go to your GitHub user's Developer Settings then OAuth Apps and create a new application.

  2. Provide the following information:

    • Application name: This name will be presented to your users when they grant your app access to their data.

    • Homepage URL: This should be the URL to your application's website where users can find out more information about your system.

    • Authorization callback URL : This is your Cyclr Callback URL and can be found in your Cyclr Console from the Connectors menu > Application Connector Library, then in the entry for the GitHub Connector.

  3. On the next screen generate a Client Secret and record that and your Client ID for later use.

## Authenticating your GitHub Cyclr Connector

  1. In your Console, access Connectors > Application Connectors

  2. Search for "GitHub", and click the Setup Required padlock.

  3. In the next screen, enter your GitHub Client ID and Client Secret and Save Changes.

  4. Your GitHub connector is now set up, and you won't need to enter this information again when authenticating the connector.

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