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To authenticate the MX connector, you will need a valid Client ID and API Key.

To obtain an API Key and authenticate the connector, please follow the steps below:

1. Log into the MX dashboard

Log into the MX dashboard found here.

2. Locate a valid Client ID and API Key

On the home page of the dashboard, find the available Client ID and API Key seen under Your Account in either the Development or Production sections, depending on which environment you wish to authenticate.

3. Allow the Cyclr IP address to access MX

Add the Cyclr servers IP to MX Whitelist. (note they only allow US server IP's)

## Authenticate the connector

You can now use the Client ID and API Key to authenticate your MX connector. First select either the Development URL or Production URL depending on which environment you wish to authenticate. Click next. Then enter the corresponding Client ID and API Key and click next.

Your MX connector is now set up! You can test it by installing it to one of your Cyclr accounts and using one of the methods to confirm it returns data. Please read the information below concerning how to run Institution methods.

Create custom Institution objects

To populate request and response fields for methods within a custom object, you can create custom Institution objects. To create a custom object:

  1. Go to the Edit Connector page for the MX connector.

  2. Under the Methods & Fields heading, locate the Institutions category and select it to expand.

  3. Select the red Copy this Category to create a Custom Object Category icon.

  4. Use the dropdown menu to select the required Institution.

  5. Select Copy.

You can repeat this process to make as many Institution objects as you need.

Methods in the newly created custom category run against the specified Institution.

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