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19th May 2023

  • Accounts: Allowed sub accounts to view connector method details from their parent account.

  • Accounts: Ensured that the Account Concurrent Transaction Limit provides the default value, and the upper limit on manual updates in the console when you add a new API or web account.

  • API: Included non method steps that require setup in Get Template, such as Decision, Delay, and WaitUntil. The template install maps these prerequisites to the target account’s cycle.

  • Dashboard: Added a task allowance measure to the sidebar in the console.

  • Partners: Included connector release version definitions on export. Ensured that on import, the application installs connector versions which don’t exist on the partner account/instance. Ensured that the imported template method steps’ connector versions are identical to the source template.

  • Performance: Improved the performance of transaction reports.

  • Template builder: Re-styled how you authenticate a connector in the builder.

  • Template builder: Allowed you to configure Cycle steps to use authentication values you obtain externally.

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