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20th February 2024


Cyclr API - retrieving Incidents returned a 500 error when an Account had no Cycles

Calling the Cyclr API GET /v1.0/cycles/incidents/{level} endpoint against an Account without any Cycles now returns a 404 error response rather than a 500 error.

Cyclr API - adding a Step returned a 500 error when the Request was invalid

Calling the Cyclr API POST /v1.0/cycles/{id}/steps endpoint with an invalid Request Body now returns a 400 error response rather than a 500 error.

Cyclr API - performance improved when retrieving Account Connectors list

Calling the Cyclr API GET /v1.0/account/connectors endpoint is now handled more efficiently to improve the speed the response is returned.

Connector Settings - masking of passwords for Basic Authentication

Password fields displayed for Basic Authentication weren’t masking their values.

12th February 2024


Connector Settings > Testing a Method - Connector-level Mergefield defaults applied consistently

Now when Testing a Method on the Connector Settings page, if a Connector-level Mergefield has a default value, it’s used when building the Request.

5th February 2024


Simpler for Console Users to move between Consoles

Console Users with access to multiple Consoles can now switch between them using a new option found in the “User” menu in the top right:



Builder > Step Setup - Lookups were firing twice

When using a Lookup within Step Setup, the Lookup would fire a second time.

Builder > Switch Tool - updated to iterate over nested arrays

The Switch Tool now iterates appropriately when properties in a nested array are mapped to it.

Removed unnecessary additional icon on Transaction List

2 icons were being shown for Transactions encountering an Error that were waiting to be retried.

Consistent styling applied to buttons in the interface

Made buttons within the interface more consistent in their color and label.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.