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27th August 2024


LAUNCH/Marketplaces - performance improvements

End-users could experience slow initial loading of both LAUNCH and Marketplaces. This change improves the speed that Cyclr processes those requests.


Console > Account Management - more robust Account deletion

Deleting an Account could sometimes fail if a Cycle had started to be installed through LAUNCH/Marketplaces, but was left incomplete.

Console > Settings > General Settings - new Enable CSP header option

When Cyclr serves a web page (e.g. for LAUNCH/Marketplaces) and this option is enabled, it will include directives in the Content-Security-Policy HTTP Header to include all content the page references.

12th August 2024


Cyclr API > Calling Connector Methods - Mergefields weren’t always populated

Corrected the behaviour when calling a Connector Method that uses Mergefields through the Cyclr API.

Cycle Execution - can handle integers in scientific notation

External systems that include integers in scientific notation in their Responses are now correctly handled. For example, the value 9E-06 would previously have resulted in an error when encountered.

Cycle Execution - preventing Transactions becoming blocked

In certain rare situations, it was possible for a queued Transaction to become blocked and not progress if the system was under heavy load and a Cycle was stopped, but the status of one or more Transactions failed to be updated by a single attempt.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.