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Install a partner connector

What is a Partner Connector?

Your Partner Connector is your application’s connector. When installing Launch or Marketplace to a new account you can install your application’s connector - the Partner Connector - into the account at the same time, so your users will not be expected to authenticate against your platform during the LAUNCH or Marketplace flow.

Set up a Partner Connector

First you need to make sure that you have a partner connector set up. To do this from your console, go to Templates > Template Connectors.

If the connector you want to set as your partner connector isn’t in the list of Installed Application Connectors, select the Install New Application button in the top right corner of the page to install it.

Once the connector in the list of installed application connectors, select the Standard toggle to set the connector to Native.

An example of connectors set to standard and native.

Fetch the Required Fields

To install the Partner Connector via Launch or Marketplace you will first need to fetch the prerequisite fields:

  • Name

  • Version

  • AuthValue

  • Properties

You can get the by calling the /account/connectors endpoint, which will return a list of all the connectors installed into your account. The Partner Connectors IsPartnerIntegrationConnector attribute will be true.

Here are the relevant fields from the response:

    "Name": "Example Partner Connector",
    "AuthValue": "Auth value for the connector.",
    "IsPartnerIntegrationConnector": true,
    "Properties": [
            "Name": "Subdomain",
            "Value": "value",
            "Id": 41,
            "AccountConnectorId": 33
            "Name": "Region",
            "Value": "value",
            "Id": 42,
            "AccountConnectorId": 33

Note: AuthValue and Properties may be empty depending on the specific setup of the connector, if that is the case they can be ignored when creating the deploy request.

Once you have fetched the Partner Connector properties you can include them in the body of your request to deploy LAUNCH or Marketplace:

    "Username": "", 
    "Password": "password",
    "AccountId": "0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "PartnerConnector": {
        "Name": "Example Partner Connector",
        "AuthValue": "Auth value for the connector.",
        "Properties": [
                "Name": "Subdomain",
                "Value": "value",
                "Id": 41,
                "AccountConnectorId": 33
                "Name": "Region",
                "Value": "value",
                "Id": 42,
                "AccountConnectorId": 33

For more details on deploying to Launch or Marketplace:

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