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A Marketplace in Cyclr is a platform that allows you to present a selection of self-service integrations to your users from inside your application.

You can present as many integrations as you want to your users with minimal development effort as it requires no additional deployments to your product.

The integrations you choose to display are customizable, depending on what you need. For example, you can use the Marketplace as a tool to present integrations available in Cyclr that you haven’t deployed yet so you can deliver the integration upon request.

You can also present existing or native integrations alongside your Cyclr integrations in a Marketplace. This allows you to present your users with the same experience regardless of the type of integration.

You can style your marketplace from inside the Cyclr console, so that it fits your SaaS application’s style guide. Changes that you make update the published Marketplace immediately with no extra deployment necessary.

Access Marketplace

The Marketplace tool is included in all plans except the startup plan. If you are on a startup plan, you can still access the Marketplace tool as an add-on. To gain access, either contact your Customer Success Manager directly, or go through our support team.

To contact our support team, select the Help button in the bottom left corner of your Cyclr console and fill out the form. If you can’t access the Help button, you can email instead.

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