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These are descriptions of the API endpoints in a standard format.





The name of the method to appear in the Cyclr UI for the user to see.

Should be short and snappy and have initial caps for nouns/verbs, lowercase for minor words (like “a” or “to”), e.g. “Delete Emails”, “Get All Contacts”, “Send to List”. See below for suggested naming conventions.


This is the description of the method to appear in the Cyclr UI for the user to understand what the method does and be informed of any special/interesting values to pass.

Can be quite lengthy if appropriate. Can also include links to helpful API documentation if useful.











Used to group methods in the Cyclr UI.

Try to keep simple and pluralized, e.g. “Contacts” or “Mailing Lists“.





This defines where the method will appear in the Cyclr UI: Action, Webhook or Script.



This is the action to be performed on the API method. Supported methods are GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE.



This is the URI to the API method. Not used if this Method Type is a webhook.



This will hide the method in the Cyclr UI if set to true.



This is the data type used by the API, either Json, Xml, or Form. For GET, this is the Accept header. For POST, this is the request data. JSON is our recommended data type. Read more about data types


Xml Root Element 

If using XML, this it the single root element for the XML document.


Connector naming conventions.



Get (ObjectNameSingular)

Used when the method retrieves a single object.

List (ObjectNamePlural)

Used when the method retrieves multiple objects.

Create (ObjectNameSingular)

Used when the method creates an object.

Create (ObjectNamePlural)

Used when the method creates multiple objects from a single call.

Delete (ObjectNameSingular)

Used when the method deletes an object.

Update (ObjectNameSingular)

Used when the method updates an object.

Rate Limits

You can specify rate limits that apply to this method alone.

Request Format / Response Format

Here you specify the Request and Response message format Fields. Note that if these are generated from a sample payload using the Generate Fields button, you will first need to select a Data Type (JSON, XML etc).




Connector Field 

The name of the field as used by the remote application’s API. Use Cyclr notation to locate the value, e.g. [records].EmailAddress when receiving an array and retrieving the EmailAddress attribute from an element within that array.


System Field 

The name to use internally within Cyclr. Use the field as capitalised by the API and remove any spaces. Apps that have the same SystemField name can auto match values in the builder, saving time and making life easier.


Display Name 

The name of the field to be displayed in the Cyclr UI to the user.



This is the description of the Field to appear in the Cyclr UI for the user to understand how the Field is used.

Always include this and keep fairly short (no more than 100 characters).


Set to true if the Field doesn’t have to be given a value. Leave out if it’s a required Field.


Data Type

Options are: Text, Integer, Float, Boolean, DateTime, File, Decimal. If the type is DateTime then a Format can be entered to specify the format. Read more about data types


Default Value




You can specify Parameters specific to this method. Read more about parameters


You can add script to the connector to handle special situations. Read more about scripting

Script Method Type

The “Script” method type can be used for methods that do not make an external API call (e.g. static data), or where requests will need to be handled entirely by the script engine.

Methods using the “Script” Type only count towards your Monthly Task Usage if they use the http_request() function.


Mergefields are placeholders that will be substituted at runtime.

  • LastSuccessfulRunDate – is the last time a Step successfully ran. This is useful to find newly created or updated records in an app. A format string needs to be provided. For example, {{LastSuccessfulRunDate format=yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ}}.

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