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This guide explains how to set up GoCardless for use with Cyclr, as well as installing a GoCardless Connector.
Please ensure you have already created a developer account.

The GoCardless Connector can also be used for sandbox accounts

Setup & Authentication


Cyclr Partner setup:

  • Create an App in your GoCardless account.

  • Store your Client ID and Secret in your Cyclr Partner Console.

Remote Setup in GoCardless - performed by Cyclr Partner

You will first need to sign in to your Developer GoCardless Account, you should then select to create an app

You’ll need to provide a name, a description and the URL of your homepage (where users can read more about your product or your integration with GoCardless).
When asked to provide a redirect_url you should enter the callback URL of your Cyclr Partner Console

The callback URL is in the format: https://{Your Cyclr Service Domain}/connector/callback

Further information can be found in GoCardless OAuth Introduction

Partner Setup in Cyclr Console

Having created an app within GoCardless to obtain a Client ID and a Client Secret, go into your Cyclr Partner Console:

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Use the search box to locate the GoCardless Connector entry.

  3. Select the Pencil button.

  4. Select the Settings tab.

  5. Enter the below values:



Client ID

The Client ID from your GoCardless App

Client Secret

The Client Secret from your GoCardless App

  1. Select Save Changes.

If you leave these values blank, they must be provided each time the Connector is installed.

Cyclr Connector Installation

When installing the GoCardless Connector, the following values are used:

Is Sandbox?
Set this value to ‘true' if the authenticating user wants to target their GoCardless sandbox account.

The user is then taken to a GoCardless consent page to complete authentication of the GoCardless Connector.

Additional Information

Webhooks Setup

Please follow the GoCardless setup guide for webhook creation.

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