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Neural Voice by Neural River


This guide explains setting up a Neural Voice by Neural River Connector.

Setup & Authentication

The Neural Voice by Neural River Connector doesn’t have an authentication process, however, an IP Address or list of IP Addresses must be provided when installing the connector.

Partner Setup in Cyclr Console

  1. Go to Connectors > Application Connector Library.

  2. Use the search box to locate the Neural Voice by Neural River Connector entry.

  3. Select the Pencil icon.

  4. Select the Settings tab.

  5. Provide the below values.



Allowed IPs

A comma-separated list of IP Addresses for the systems that will be making calls to the connector.

  1. Make a note of your Partner Webhook URL

This is the webhook address that your external systems will use to send payloads to the connector.

Cyclr Connector Installation

When installing the Neural Voice by Neural River Connector, the following values are used:

Customer ID
This value must be unique to each customer's account and must be included in the payload of every call your external system makes to the webhook address. Cyclr will use this value to route the incoming webhook to the corresponding cycle in your customer's account.

Additional Information

Cyclr’s Responses to Requests

When making an HTTP POST Request containing Call information to your Cyclr Partner-level Webhook URL, you will receive one of the following Responses:

  • ”Webhook Accepted”
    The webhook was received and routed to a cycle.

  • ”Webhook accepted, but there is no step to be triggered.”
    This indicates that Cyclr could not match the Customer ID in the payload to any installed Neural Voice by Neural River Connectors. Ensure there is a Connector installed with the Customer ID found in the payload you sent and that there is a Cycle with a Receive Chat Step from it.

  • No Response
    The IP address of the system sending the payload does not match any IP addresses in the allowed list for the Connector. Please refer to the Partner Setup section above.

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