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Import or export templates

You can export templates from one Cyclr Partner Console and import them to another. This allows you to keep templates in sync if you have Consoles on multiple Cyclr Instances.

For example, if you build a template in a Console on our UK Shared Instance and want to use the exact same template in a Console on our Shared US Instance, you can use the template export/import feature to copy it over.

Cyclr doesn’t currently support Account Connector Properties, Webhook key mappings and Cycle Linking Steps in the export/import functionality.

To ensure that an imported template is as close to being identical to the original exported template, the generated file includes details of the connector releases the original template uses.

While Templates can be exported and imported between Cyclr Consoles, they can also be imported directly into an Account. Cycles within an Account can also be exported and imported to copy them between Accounts or imported up into a Cyclr Console as a new Template.

Read more about exporting and importing Cycles within Accounts here.

Export Template

You can export template releases from your Cyclr Console. To export the template as a JSON file to download, find the template in the Template Library, select Releases and then select the Export button.

See the screenshot below for guidance on where to find the export button in Cyclr:

A screenshot of the template release screen with the import and export buttons highlighted.

Import Template

You can import a template release JSON file as a new template, or into an existing template as a new release (as in the screenshot above).

To import a new template from a JSON file, go to Templates > Template Library in the console and select the Import Template button.

Cyclr displays an error message if there are any compatibility issues, for example, if the method can’t be found on the current Cyclr Instance.

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