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Export or Import Cycles

When working within an Account, it can be useful to copy a Cycle to another Account, or to create a new Template from one.

You can use the Cycle Sharing option to copy a Cycle back up into its Console as a new Template.

You can also choose to export a Cycle to obtain a JSON file containing all the information needed to re-create it.

With that JSON file, you can:

  • import it as a new Cycle in an Account - that can be under the same Partner Console or a different Partner Console, even hosted on a different Cyclr Instance.

  • import it into a Partner Console as a new Template - that can be the Partner Console of the Account the Cycle was exported from, or a different Partner Console, even hosted on a different Cyclr Instance.

Cyclr doesn’t currently support Account Connector Properties, Webhook key mappings and Cycle Linking Steps in the export/import functionality.

Exporting a Cycle

Within a Cyclr Account:

  1. Go to the Cycle listing page.

  2. Locate the Cycle you wish to export.

  3. Select the Export Cycle button image-20240715-081730.pngto start exporting the Cycle as a JSON file.


Importing a Cycle

This feature allows importing of JSON files or content created by:

Within a Cyclr Account:

  1. Go to the Cycle listing page, and optionally locate a particular Folder to import into (Cycles can be moved between Folders later if necessary).

  2. Select the Import Cycle button:

  3. Cyclr will display a page where you can choose to either:

    1. upload a file containing JSON content downloaded by exporting a Cycle - or a Template - from Cyclr.

    2. paste in JSON text content obtained from one of those sources.


  4. Selecting the appropriate Import button will load that content and Cyclr will create a new Cycle from it.

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