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Set up a Marketplace

Create a Marketplace

To create a Marketplace, go to your Cyclr console:

  1. Go to Embedding > Marketplace.

  2. Select the Create Marketplace button.

  3. Enter a name for your Marketplace, and you have the option to enter a description.

  4. Select Add.

Build the Marketplace

To start to build a Marketplace, select the Add Card tile. This opens a pop-up with the following options:

To add another card, select the Add New button in the top right of the window. Once you add cards, you can drag and drop each card to arrange them according to your needs.

Rich Text

You can use Rich Text to add headings, subheadings, and any other text you need to the Marketplace.

You can enter the text directly into the box. To customize the appearance of this text, use the toolbar .Any text that you add displays in a card that stretches the full width of the screen.


You can use the category card to create a folder that can store cards within it. You can use these categories to differentiate and manage different elements within your Marketplace.

For example, you could group all cards relating to a specific application in a category, instead of displaying them all on the first page.

To create the category, enter a name to help your customers identify the contents, and select Add.

Edit Category

To edit the appearance of the category card, hover over the card and select the Edit button that appears. You can then select each element on the card to edit them.

To identify the category for your users, add a title and a description. You also have the option to upload and add two images at the top of the card. For example, you could add the logos of the applications within the category.

To add a tag to the card, select the tag icon in the bottom right of the card. This allows your customer to filter the available cards in your Marketplace and find what’s relevant to them.

Add cards inside a category

You can add cards inside a category:

  1. Hover over the category card and select the Edit button that appears.

  2. Select the Edit Category button.

  3. Add cards in the same way as on the main Marketplace page.

To navigate back to the main Marketplace page, use the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the window.

Category settings

If you want the appearance of a category to be different from the overall Marketplace’s Category Settings, you can change the appearance settings for a specific category. To edit a category’s appearance, open the category and select the Settings button in the top right corner of the page. For more information, see the documentation on Category Settings.

Note: The settings that you set within a category only apply to that category and not the Marketplace as a whole.

Integration Package

An integration package contains a selection of related cycle templates for your customers to install.

You can set up the integration package in the popup window:

  1. Give the integration package an identifiable name for your customers.

  2. Select the templates that you want to include in the package from the dropdown.

  3. Enter an Installed Message that the Marketplace displays when your customer finishes installing the package.

Integration Package settings

There are three settings toggles available for an integration package:



Single Installation

Select this toggle to limit the package to a single installation per customer. If you turn on Single Installation, your customers can’t be able to install the package if they already have any of the included templates installed.

Redirect Back to Marketplace on Install Complete

Select this toggle to redirect your customers back to the Marketplace once they install the package. Otherwise, the Marketplace displays the LAUNCH Complete HTML.

Auto Start on Install Complete

Select this toggle to open and run the integration immediately when your customer installs the integration package.

Edit Integration Package

To edit the appearance of the Integration Package card, hover over the card and select the Edit button that appears. You can then select each element on the card to edit them.

To identify the Integration Package for your customers, add a title and a description. You also have the option to upload and add two images at the top of the card. For example, you could add the logos of the applications connectors used in the Integration Package.

To add a tag to the card, select the tag icon in the bottom right of the card. Tags allow your customer to filter the available cards in your Marketplace and find what’s relevant to them.

To configure the Integration Package, select the Settings button that appears below the card when you edit it.

You can add an Action Link card to display a custom link within your Marketplace that directs your customers to a specific URL:

  1. Enter a name for the link that identifies it for your customer.

  2. You can add Link Text to further clarify where the link directs the customer to.

  3. Enter the Link URL with a valid fully qualified http, https, or ftp prefix.

  4. Select Add.

Note: If you don’t add Link Text, the button displays an arrow icon instead.

To edit the appearance of the Action Link card, hover over the card and select the Edit button that appears. You can then select each element on the card to edit them.

To identify the Action Link for your users, add a title and a description. You also have the option to upload and add two images at the top of the card.

To add a tag to the card, select the tag icon in the bottom right of the card. Tags allow your customer to filter the available cards in your Marketplace and find what’s relevant to them.

To configure the Action Link, select the Settings button that appears below the card when you edit it.

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