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Dynamic custom fields

Adding Custom Fields Dynamically

Cyclr can add custom fields dynamically to an authenticated connector, removing the need to add them manually for each installation.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. If the API you are accessing has methods for retrieving object metadata, these can be used to define the fields.
    See Enhanced Dynamic Custom Fields below.

  2. If the API does not have such methods, Cyclr can parse an example response from an existing method.
    See Basic Dynamic Custom Fields below.

The Method you select to retrieve custom fields will only be called once and without paging being performed. You should therefore set any paging parameters manually on that Method (e.g. “100” rather than using Cyclr values such as CYCLR_PAGE_SIZE) to ensure all fields are retrieved.

Enhanced Dynamic Custom Fields

Your goal now is to reshape the response of the method using connector script - to Cyclr’s required format:

    "cyclr_field_location": "CustName",
    "cyclr_display_name": "Customer Name"
    "cyclr_field_location": "CustomerId",
    "cyclr_display_name": "Customer ID"
  • How you restructure the data into the above format will depend on the shape of your source data, but your connector script may look something like this:

function after_action_paging() {
  if (method_response == null) return true;
  var original =;
  var tempResponse = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < original.length; i++) {
      cyclr_field_location: "[data]." + original[i].id,
      cyclr_display_name: original[i].text,
  method_response = tempResponse;
  return true;
  • Having set the Connector Fields to match the example in step 2…

    • [].cyclr_field_location

    • [].cyclr_display_name

    • etc

…you now need to set the System Fields appropriately.

If you used the “Generate Fields” functionality to create the above fields, the system field names will be incorrect so you will now need to update them.

  • In the Response of the method, set the System Fields to match the table below so that Cyclr can access the various parts of each field description. In the above example, the mappings would look like this:

  • The only required fields are [].cyclr_field_location and [].cyclr_display_name.

If you are mapping data types from the object description, you will need to add some scripting to the method.

This will vary depending on the structure of your method response, but as an example:

// Example method response

    "cyclr_field_location": "CustName",
    "cyclr_display_name": "Customer Name",
    "cyclr_is_readonly": false,
    "cyclr_data_type": 1
// Example method response containing field values

    "cyclr_field_location": "Regions",
    "cyclr_display_name": "Regions",
    "cyclr_is_readonly": false,
    "cyclr_data_type": "string",
    "cyclr_field_values": [
      { "value": "UK", "label": "United Kingdom" },
      { "value": "US", "label": "United States" },
      { "value": "AUS", "label": "Australia" }
// Example method-level script

function after_action() {
  // Check for a response
  if (method_response == null) return;
  // Remap fields to values that Cyclr will understand
  for (var i = 0; i < method_response.length; i++) {
    method_response[i].cyclr_data_type = select_dt(
  return true;

function select_dt(item) {
  /* The case values here will need to be changed to the values returned by your method, so
   instead of "string" it might be "str", and instead of "integer" it might be "int32".*/
  switch (item) {
    case "string":
      return 1;
    case "integer":
      return 2;
      return 1;
  • You should now update the response fields to look similar to this example:

  • Ensure that the For Enhanced Custom Fields option has been checked.

  • Now all you need to do is go to the method where you want to pick up custom fields, and select this method from the Custom Fields Lookup Method dropdown menu. You can do this for the Request, the Response, or both as required:

  • Cyclr should now automatically create custom fields on this method once it is installed.

Table of System Fields

System Field



Location of the custom field, e.g. [items].custom_field (required)


The name to display the custom field as (required)


The data type of the custom field: (optional)
0=Not Defined
5=Date Time


Custom data type format for the custom field (optional)


The default value to use for the custom field (optional)


The description of the custom field (optional)


Indicates if the custom field is optional when part of a request (optional)


Indicates if the custom field is read-only, if it is it won’t be added to any requests (optional)


Indicates if the custom field should be hidden when part of a request. Often used in conjunction with a default value (cyclr_default_value) (optional)


A list of values and their labels for a field (optional)


There are 2 formats supported for cyclr_field_values:

A list of the value to be used by the connector, and its readable counterpart

  { "value": "UK", "label": "United Kingdom" },
  { "value": "US", "label": "United States" },
  { "value": "AUS", "label": "Australia" }

Or just a list of the values

["UK", "US", "AUS"]

Basic Dynamic Custom Fields

  • Select a method which is able to be called without any field or parameter values being set. This will be your “Source” method.

  • The response of this method should be in the same structure as your “Target” method (the method for which Cyclr will dynamically map custom fields).

// Example:
// Source method "List All Orders" response
  "orders": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "John",
      "added": "2020-01-01",
      "customfield1": "abcd"

// Target method "List New Orders" Response
  "orders": [
      "id": 29,
      "name": "Dave",
      "added": "2020-09-09",
      "customfield1": "wxyz"
  • Now all you need to do is go to the method where you want to pick up custom fields, and select this method from the Custom Fields Lookup Method dropdown menu. You can do this for the Request, the Response, or both as required:

Cyclr will then attempt to determine the correct Display Name and Data Type of the fields found in the response object.

For more control of the custom fields generated you will need to make use of Enhanced Dynamic Custom Fields at the top of this article.

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