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Copy Cycles as Templates

If you create a Cycle in one of your customer Accounts, that integration will only exist within that one Account. If you later decide that you wish to make that integration generally available to other customers, you can create a Template from that Cycle which can be installed into other Accounts.

To create a Template from an existing Cycle, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Console.

  2. Go to Settings > General Settings and ensure the Enable Cycle Sharing toggle is set to On.

  3. Go to the Cycle in the Account that you wish to copy and open it in the Builder.

  4. You’ll see a Share button along the top of the Builder near the normal Run and Settings buttons.

  5. Select Share to open the Cycle Sharing popup.
    If dropdown boxes are shown, that indicates there are multiple Template Connectors in your Console of the same type as those used in your Cycle so Cyclr is asking you to confirm which of them your new Template should attach to.

  6. Select Create Template.

A new Template will then be created in your Console’s Template Library that you can edit and install as normal.

Related pages

  • For information on how templates work in Cyclr, see the Templates section.

  • For information about how to create and configure templates, see the Create Cycle Templates section.

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